Guys And Dollies Employment Opportunities
Any Questions?

How many people do you hire?

Each of our locations hire a different number of employees. Smaller branches may only hire a couple people, while larger branches can give short-term employment to 50-100 people. The majority of our workforce is made up of movers, and most of the other postitions have only 1-2 openings per year. Our customer service team will also have multiple positions available throughout the year.

How much do I have to work?

During move-out week and move-in week we have the highest demand for employees. If you work only during our busiest days, you can work as few as as one day. Off-season work requires far fewer employees, so appointments during the middle of the summer and winter are offered to the movers with the most hours during the busy season.

We require shifts of at least 6 hours so that you can complete a truck route. Employees looking to earn money only during move-in and move-out regularly work full days and evenings. Our first shift begin each morning around 8:00am and our last shift may end after midnight on the busiest days.

How much do I get paid?

Movers start at $10/hour plus tips. Other employment, such as customer service and specialized manager positions may be paid more, depending on time committment and efficiency. Truck Greeters are not required to lift, but are paid minimum wage.

How much will I have to lift?

Not all positions require lifting. Our customer service team, for example is highly trained to work with both students and parents by phone. For positions like movers, the average box weighs about 35lbs. We require working with a team to lift heavier items or furniture, and you'll be provided tools like dollies, moving blankets, hand carts, plastic wrap, and moving gloves. Be prepared to sweat.

Do I have to buy a uniform?

You will receive a free company shirt to wear during your training session. We only require close-toe shoes, though we also recommend a sweatshirt for early morning or late evening work in the Spring.