Guys And Dollies Employment Opportunities
Don't want to lift?

From movers to office staff, we have positions available for every schedule and skill set. Apply through the website or send us a resume at [email protected].

Want to expand to your university? Check out our branch manager opportunities!

Move-Out Work Available (May)
Move-In Work Available (August)
Mid-Summer Work Available
Physical Activity Required
Remote Work
Internships Qualifying
Salaried Position Available
Indiana University
Purdue University
As little as two days in the spring
Warehouse Manager
Loss prevention, organization, and smoother operations
Empty Box Delivery Manager
Manage empty box deliveries in weeks leading up to move-out
Shipping Manager
Manage shipments in may during move-out, improve shipping service
Customer Service Representative
Phone calls and emails, confirmation calls, payment collection
Payments Manager
Collect payments, minimize invoicing errors
Marketing Positions
Hang flyers, hand out advertisements, run promotions
Branch Manager
Open new branch, run operations at new university, profit-based compensation